TECH 31000 TECHNOLOGY INTERVIEWS Dr. Zurbuch A:\TECHVIEWS Assignment: Option #1: Interview three individuals to learn their views toward technology. One of those interviewed is to be a person you consider a youth. The second person interviewed is to be an adult. The third person interviewed is to be retired. For gender balance, avoid interviewing persons of the same sex. Describe those interviewed in terms of approximate age, sex, education, and work experience. Names need not be used if you wish. Option #2: Interview three professors from three different departments, not same gender, and ask questions below or other questions of your choosing. Possible Questions: I . What do you think of when you hear the word "technology"? 2. Do you consider technology good or bad? 3. Were the "good 'ole days" better? (usually not appropriate for youth) 4. Will technology make the future better or worse? 5. What should be our greatest concern for technology's impact upon the future? 6. What is your prediction for future technology? 7. Do you think people understand technology? If not, why not? 8. What technology do you find the most important? 9. Mat technology do you find the most troubling? Report Format: ¥ Typed in a narrative style. Avoid question & answer, question & answer ... Interpret what was said by each person interviewed. ¥ Length of at least four pages - at least one page per person interviewed ¥ Summary / Conclusions - at least one page ¥ Separate each section with a bold type heading Due Date: - for critique & _ for grade